“Buildings should serve people, not the other way around.”
– John Portman, US architect
What is a building but a structure with walls and a roof? It is what you do with a building that gives it added value. We recently moved to a new building, as we announced several weeks ago. One of the most popular posts on social media in recent months was the revelation of our logo on the building last Monday:
As with many start ups in the tech sector, colorFabb started with an idea and a garage. A small office on top of that garage with one extruder running at some times day and night. Within a year we saw the need to move from that garage, expand our production and logistics capacity. We moved.
It was not too long after moving that we found that the vision we had for colorFabb did not fit the building we were in.
We have an ambitious vision and to accomplish this vision we need the right tools. Moving into the new building is important for colorFabb, since it enables us to bring that vision to reality in 2017 and beyond.
That vision not only consists of more and better filaments, but also of 3D printing services, engineering skills, strategic partnerships and more. All of it to bring 3D printing solutions, in the broadest sense of the word, to our customers.
In the next few months we will keep you updated on the latest developments.
We are now located in Belfeld, a small town just south of Venlo, in a state of the art building. We remain in the same region, which has excellent logistic facilities and is close to the German and Belgian borders.
We already gave you a quick sneak peek a few weeks ago, Below you find the first official look inside our new building, which is now being converted into a 3D Printing Centre: developing and production of materials, services like printing, design and engineering as well as customer support and B2B sollutions.
Once you enter the building you immediately see the bike, which was printed with XT-CF20.
Moving on, next to the offices on the lower floor we have another showpiece: the Saturn V Rocket. Designed by Paul Fischer and printed by Korneel Bullens, it was entirely printed with nGen. You can find the original blog on this print here.
Design: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:911891
It may look small in this building, but the entire print is 2.5 meters tall!
Past the offices are our print labs. Yes, that is plural – we now have two print labs. Here we do all our tests with new materials, material characterizations, the prints we make for this blog, support, etc.
30+ printers (not all shown) are continuously printing and testing.
We have already teased you a bit with images from our production site:
This is the heart of the company where a dedicated production crew works every day to produce the filaments you are using.
Finally, we move on to logistics. Our logistics team ships to 70+ countries – webshop, resellers and distributors alike. DHL picks up from our warehouse every day to make sure your orders will delivered as soon as possible.
As you can see, we are very proud of our new home. This building gives us the room to expand according to our vision and bring you even better products, improved quality and more services suited to your needs.
Please note that we will be at the RapidPro Trade Fair and Conference in Veldhoven, The Netherlands on March 7, 8 and 9. You can find us at stand 16. Drop by to find out our latests plans and how we can help you with your 3D printing needs.
If you have any questions you can also drop us an email: sales@colorfabb.com
Wow, that is super interesting!! If I could, I would love to visit you to take a look at everything by myself. Which printer did you use to print the bicycle?
You can check out the details on the XT-CF20 bike here: https://learn.colorfabb.com/xt-cf20-bike-project-release/
Fantastic layout of the production facility. Keep it up. We are there to support you…