Today we’re launching a new filament, colorFabb glowFill. This filament will literally make your work shine!
During the day it’s a beautiful creamy color which prints to a perfect smooth finish. In the dark your prints will start to glow like you would not believe. A special highly concentrated phosphorescent pigment is matched with our PLA/PHA compound, so it’ll print just like our other PLA/PHA 3d printing filament. So charge up those 3d prints for some glow in the dark fun!
Charged up and glowing like nothing else!
During the day glowFill shows a lovely creamy color.
Shy-light designed by Stijn van der Linden.
Adviced 3d printing temperature:
Adviced 3d print speed:
40 – 100 mm/s
Advised Heated bed (if you have one, not strictly necessary)
TIP! For a better and longer lasting glow time print your models with 100% infill and charge up your models with some high power lights, or just let them enjoy the sunlight for a bit.
very interesting! My question is about the glow’s duration for each cycle and over time.
I think that it depends by dimensions (infill 100%) and day charge, obviously… could we have a valuations?
thank you!…and conitnue this way!!!! 🙂
Hi Luca,
we don’t have actual values of glow intensity and decline over time.
But from our own testing I can tell you that we have 3/4 year old prints that still glow all night when sufficiently charged.
Printing things with high amounts of infill does really help with this as you said.
If you try (and measure) this, let us know 🙂
First print with Glow Fillm, amazing result. Printed on my Printrbot simple metal
Till now I’m unable to print it with retraction on my Ultimaker2, because the hobbed bolt flattens the filament completely. Do you print without retraction?